viernes, 29 de agosto de 2014

Why did choose my career?

I study psychology because mental health is very important for me, this is necessary for the well-being of the people in the society.  Also I like to help or the people in special the clinical patients, because they have a serious problem that concerns your lives.  
The areas of work of a psychologist are in education, in the clinical area, social and the community area, the work area, and legal area; this is very interesting for me because, the psychology have a spacious area from work, where I can constantly learn.
I choose this university because is the better for me, always I thought study in “Universidad de Chile”, from its social sense, and the position public of the education.  My family wished that I study in this University and, I study very much for the PSU for prep get this objective and study psychology.

I like the clinical area, is interesting learn about the brain human and investigate this. My future plan is have a consultation clinical, also I would like to work in the hospital or center of mental health. 

viernes, 22 de agosto de 2014

A country I'd like to visit

I would like to visit Rusia. I am interested in the culture and the architecture, specially in the palaces. Also, the history of this country is very interested for me, the organization and its strong influence in the world. I don’t know very much about Rusia, its  history is very convoluted because this country has many revolutions and wars. But I’ve  learned of the U.R.S.S of Lenin, Stalin and the comunist revolution.
Rusia is of more largest country in the world, and it is separately in different geographical regions.

I would like to visit Moscú, the red Square , the Kremelin, San Basilio cathedral, Christ Saviour Cathedral and Saint Petersburgo. Also I would like study in this country because I would learn about the culture, and its language. Rusia has big progress in science, music, sports and literatura, this is very interesting for me, because I would help in the study. Finally Rusia has beautiful places, and a peculiar architecture.