viernes, 29 de agosto de 2014

Why did choose my career?

I study psychology because mental health is very important for me, this is necessary for the well-being of the people in the society.  Also I like to help or the people in special the clinical patients, because they have a serious problem that concerns your lives.  
The areas of work of a psychologist are in education, in the clinical area, social and the community area, the work area, and legal area; this is very interesting for me because, the psychology have a spacious area from work, where I can constantly learn.
I choose this university because is the better for me, always I thought study in “Universidad de Chile”, from its social sense, and the position public of the education.  My family wished that I study in this University and, I study very much for the PSU for prep get this objective and study psychology.

I like the clinical area, is interesting learn about the brain human and investigate this. My future plan is have a consultation clinical, also I would like to work in the hospital or center of mental health. 

4 comentarios:

  1. I know that Psychology was not your main option to study jajaja but you are a great student of psychology :D

  2. Hi! I study psychology too!! (: I think is very good that you like much the clinical area and learn about the brain human! I think it's a very interesting area (: Nice post Ximena! Greetings.

    Evelyn M.

  3. Hello, me too study psychology, I like and interestent your opinion for career

  4. Hi, you as psychologists can contribute much to education, also we could form groups with several professionals to work together.
