jueves, 27 de noviembre de 2014

my favourite music

My music favourite is the Trova, and  the chilean music. My mother always listened trova when I was a girl, especially Pablo milanes, joan manuel serrat, victor Heredia and silvio Rodriguez, she listened her cassette in the morning, when she cooking or she cleansed the house. This music remembers me the childhood with my mother. My singer favourite is silvio Rodriguez his song are very beautiful for me, and the letters have many meaning for me. I think that this artist is the best, because he have many good songs, with deep reflections .
This songs are important for me because when I began my relationship with my boyfriend, he always dedicated this song to we love, always that listen a silvio Rodriguez remember me to sometime of my live, beautiful  regards and important episodes in my live, how the beginning of  my relationship, my childhood, and it is with many feelings involved. 

In the 2012 silvio came to Chile,  I was very nervous, excited, anxious and when he sang in the concert, It was a feeling of joy and peace only, this was the best concert in my life and I am very happy of I have heard live to silvio Rodriguez.  My favourite songs are: Imaginate, en el claro de la luna, te dedico una canción, ojala, Santiago de chile, quedate, oleo de una mujer con sombrero, ángel para un final, te amare and finally quien fuera.

viernes, 21 de noviembre de 2014

my experience with the english

The English in the university is very difficult for me, especially listen and speak English.  In the school English scared me, because my teacher was very strict and demanding, and when he did activities in the class, all worked very much for that he didn’t angry with we, for this the English don’t like to me.
My mother says that I have a trauma with English and that I influence my bad results, but if I would like or practice the English, I would have good results and the English would easy for me or more pleasant.

In the university I been in the second level, we had that speak very much in class and I was very nervous con this situation because I didn’t speak nor pronounce well in English. But here I learned to improve my English so much in grammatical, speak and write. Later the third level was tortuous for me, because I had that speak very mucho with my schoolmate in English and all was very good with this idiom, but still 

viernes, 7 de noviembre de 2014

Good and bain pots

This year has be very quiet but this twenty fourteen has be demanding in the studys specially the second semester. Actually in my life all is properly, my relationship is stable, but in august and July we had many problems, of character and of the routine that caused almost the breakup of the relationship.

In relation to my family, my grandmother follows stable with her Alzheimer, although that be three nights or more that she don’t sleep nothing and pray all the night. Perhaps for my aunt this year has been difficult with her illness, and my mother has a year very stressful with the house and my grandmother and aunt. 

viernes, 10 de octubre de 2014

how green are you?

Actually in the society exist very many ways for take care of the world, and keep the environment for the children and the future generations. These mechanisms are: recycling of tin, plastics, cardboards, splinter of glass and paper. Also the use of compost, take care the use of the light, and the regulate use of water. This is learning principally in the house, afterwards in the kinder garden and the school.  
I have not habits of recycling in the house, thought I have attention with the use of light and water. But I take out the garbage in the corresponding dustbin in the street, and never take out the garbage in the floor.

I like ride on bike, but in Santiago don’t have many bike paths and this situation is dangerous for me, because I scared me with the cars in the road same, for this situation I go to the university in the small bus. 

viernes, 3 de octubre de 2014


The best Works in the field of the phycology was kinder garden; four schoolmates went to observe to the children, for study his cognitive development, specially the game area. We had that interview to the teachers and the director and we were in the class with the children.
We did this work the past semester for development psychology

The experience was enriching and fascinating for me, because it permitted see in the children everything learned.  The difficulties was the distance of the place in relation with the  underground, also the restricting the time of visit for see to the children, in fifteen minutes we had to observe the more important for the work. In relation to the analysis was difficult of apply in the work, but we learned to know that observe with this practice work. 

viernes, 26 de septiembre de 2014

my future job

I would like work in the hospital or office about the public health, because the public service is very important and necessary for me, and like this, build a better society. This work permits’ help to the people and I would like work in the clinical area, also I imagine the work in the mental health center or non-governmental organization.

I would like work of Monday to Friday, but I would work for shift in the mental health center. If I would work in a non-governmental organization, perhaps I would travel to abroad, this would be great for me because I would can know many countries specially Spain.

I do not know if I want to work in an office or elsewhere, but the most important thing for me is to work in a quiet atmosphere and harmonic. I think if you work in a private granting should have a comfortable office staff for patient care in a better position.
The psychology is very important for me; this can help people with mental health problems and lead to a better quality of life, and reveals more about the study of the psyche of human beings, where you will always learn something new. Finally I think work in the clinical area, perhaps in a mental health center.

cultural shock

viernes, 5 de septiembre de 2014

My best holidays

My best holiday was when I went to my study trip in the summer of 2012. I was very happy with this situation, my friends and me were think in all and we were very nervous with the travel. First arrived a “Salts of laja” where dinner in the beautiful place, later in the night and the morning traveled to Bariloche. In this place we were three days and later arrived to Puerto Varas, and visited Petrohue, Puyehue, Puerto Mont and Valdivia. Also we sailed in the “Calle-calle” rear and “Lago de todos los Santos”. In the Bariloche We play bowling, went to the snow, to the Disco, an aquatic party and chocolate shop. In Chile we traveled very much and went to the thermal springs in Puyehue. The travel lasted one weekend and this been the better travel because I know the Sur of Chile and I traveled for first time outside of my country, 

viernes, 29 de agosto de 2014

Why did choose my career?

I study psychology because mental health is very important for me, this is necessary for the well-being of the people in the society.  Also I like to help or the people in special the clinical patients, because they have a serious problem that concerns your lives.  
The areas of work of a psychologist are in education, in the clinical area, social and the community area, the work area, and legal area; this is very interesting for me because, the psychology have a spacious area from work, where I can constantly learn.
I choose this university because is the better for me, always I thought study in “Universidad de Chile”, from its social sense, and the position public of the education.  My family wished that I study in this University and, I study very much for the PSU for prep get this objective and study psychology.

I like the clinical area, is interesting learn about the brain human and investigate this. My future plan is have a consultation clinical, also I would like to work in the hospital or center of mental health. 

viernes, 22 de agosto de 2014

A country I'd like to visit

I would like to visit Rusia. I am interested in the culture and the architecture, specially in the palaces. Also, the history of this country is very interested for me, the organization and its strong influence in the world. I don’t know very much about Rusia, its  history is very convoluted because this country has many revolutions and wars. But I’ve  learned of the U.R.S.S of Lenin, Stalin and the comunist revolution.
Rusia is of more largest country in the world, and it is separately in different geographical regions.

I would like to visit Moscú, the red Square , the Kremelin, San Basilio cathedral, Christ Saviour Cathedral and Saint Petersburgo. Also I would like study in this country because I would learn about the culture, and its language. Rusia has big progress in science, music, sports and literatura, this is very interesting for me, because I would help in the study. Finally Rusia has beautiful places, and a peculiar architecture. 

sábado, 28 de junio de 2014

Using blogs in the English class

The posts I have been writing across this semester in English it has brought me a good experience because learned a much, every time I Write now use lees time and it is costs less, also I learned more vocabulary and as better articulate phrases. I think that write in English in the blog is an activity very necessary for all, especially for me.  Personally, I am not good for the English, is very difficult speak and listen in English because I don’t understand.  Also it is more dynamic activity in comparison with the test in the class, and more interesting for we, in general I like this activity of the English class.
This activity allowed me to improve my vocabulary, because the practice help of the language or grammatical. I like that in the future were just free post, because is more simple when one write from the own idea and not write following guidelines.

Finally I think that in the future I would like to write about of psychology, free theme, current issues or therapies for the people. This activity was very interesting for me and I helping to speak more and write in English, especially with the written English

jueves, 26 de junio de 2014


The education is necessary in this society, because it permits works better. The education in Chile is very unequal, have better education that have more money and this is very unfair, because all the people have the right to a better education. Also the education in Chile is more expensive, especially the university and private school, even Kinder Garden is more expensive of someone families. Education is a word very broad, but when I think in education, I think in the school,  test, uniform, competition, teaching and the process more comprehensive, because I learnt about, the history, language, economy, biology, mathematical, philosophy, but, also I learnt about the solidarity, empathy, tolerance and respect with the people, or rather I learnt  from all.
For me be teacher is a complicated work, because they must motivate of her students, make a good class, explain with clarity, have patience and specially have vocation for her work.
The schools must claim quality in the education, insertions in the society and a less competitive education; this must motivate the solidarity, and comprehensive education. But the recompense is about from the gain in her class. 

jueves, 12 de junio de 2014

Michel foucault

In the psychology exist very much there are many people who have contributed to this area, but Foucault is very special for me. He was a historian of ideas, psychologist, social theorist and French philosopher, Foucault was born in the 15 of October in 1926 and dead in the 25 of June in 1984. He was professor in several French universities and Professor of American History and Systems of Thought at the College of France (1970-1984) and his work has influenced in important figures of the social sciences and humanities. Foucault is very famous for his critical studies about the social institutions, in special psychiatry, medicine, the human sciences and the prison system. Also for his work about of the human sexuality, analysis of power and relationship between power, knowledge and discourse have been widely debated. I liked this author because is very important in the critical of the psychiatry and, He propose original reviews and his books are very special for me, thanks to him I met the vanishing points, and disciplinary and sovereign power.

viernes, 30 de mayo de 2014

That´s my song

Is very difficult for me choose a song, but “Ojala” of Silvio Rodriguez is very special for me because represent to a teacher very important for me and my course. We was in the seventh grade of basic in the new school, nobody had friends because the school began in the seventh grade and the teachers was very cold with his students. But in language was the teacher Patricia and she taught us about to the life, she was the first in spoken about of sexuality and  the reality of the woman’s and  she was a second mother, the teacher  punished us with cold and at the same time with affection.  In the class I had to do a homework about the a song and she said that his prefer song was “Ojala” and she explain that loving to Silvio Rodriguez and that he had song very beautiful. The next year she dead in the school, this was very hard for all, and we was all in the funeral joined to the teachers and in the end the ceremony played this song and all crying. Now when I listen this song I feel nostalgic because I met the woman great.


viernes, 16 de mayo de 2014


This photograph  was taken in my graduation from secondary school  in 2012 , I don’t know who took  the photograph, but this is my favourite because I amwith  my mother and my cousin. Also, it is important for me because I was closing an important stage of school and  near  to begin a new stage.  My mother is the  most important person in my life and my cousin is very important because he is always with me, and both supported my decisions and advise to me. My cousin is like my brother  and he always protects   me. My mother is a beautiful person, an excellent mother and daughter, she is very dedicated and fundamental for me.  The photographic is symbolical for me , because it shows  the most important people for me,  but I liked to stay with  my family, my grandmother, all my cousins and all my uncles, and my boyfriend because they are important for me. Finally I like the photograph because we are happy and in this photograph and it shows we love each other.

martes, 6 de mayo de 2014


I like films very much, but I don’t have time to invest on that. Saturday and Sunday are the days to watch films, I like romantic, dramatic and politic films and specially films with lessons. I hate horror films because it keeps me from sleeping at night and they causes me nightmares, and I don’t like films about cars neither. My favorite movie is “The Butterfly’s tongue” and “The Pianist” because both are beautiful and strict. The director of those films is admirable and he inspires me as Agora and Chaplin too. I don’t have a favorite actor or director, in fact I watch movies without seeing the information of the cast or the director. The last film I watched was Forrest Gump and I recommend this film because it shows a beautiful history about of Forrest  and  I liked it very much because it involves many histories and the Vietnam war.

viernes, 25 de abril de 2014

My favorite piece of technology

Personally I am not good but the technology; because I am difficult learn about the new technology.  I had a computer but it was ancient and very slow, I used to talk with my friends in the MSN and Fotolog, also to have work of the school. My favorite piece of technology is the notebook, it is very useful but do work of the university and surf in the web.  My mother give me the notebook in the Christmas four years ago, and I was  very happy because needed and wanted have the notebook, but I didn’t waited this gift because it was very expensive for me. At the begging I used Facebook or talked with my friends, but in the university it helped very much in the works and collection of information. Usually I use the notebook every day, doing to the works, surf in the web, play to game, or watching video in YouTube. I am addicted to read the news in the notebook, and I like the notebook very much  because Ican always  surf in the web or stay in Facebook and there is always news. My life without the notebook wouldnt change Very much,  Perhaps I would get bored because I would miss to talk with the people from Facebook and see news, but  My life wouldnt change.

viernes, 11 de abril de 2014

Expectations for a new semester

Actually I´m in the third semester of psychology in the University of Chile and my expectations for this semester are to learn very much about of the course, in special the new for me. I  Also hope study very much to get good marks and enjoy with my friends in the grass of the University or in the cinema in the center of Santiago.  
I have eight subjects, six of psychology, one of English and one sports subject ( physical work-out), and my favourite subject of this semester is psychopathology and  social psychology , the true is that I like all subjects.  My more difficult subject are the psychopathology and neurophysiology, because I need to memorize and understand the class. 
My personal opinion about of the career of psychology is that it is great and I´m very happy studying that in special this semester with all the areas of the career,  and the work in the kinder garden the subject development  psychology. 

jueves, 10 de abril de 2014

My biography

My name is Ximena Caceres, I was born in Santiago of Chile. At elementary, I studied in Chile school located near my house. In the secundary study in School Javiera carrera in the center of Santiago, I liked go to the school because we always got together with friends outside of school and I liked study History. My parents are divorcied and I lived with my mother, my grandmother, my aunt, and five pets, four dogs and one cat, my family es very important for me because my cousins are like my brothers and take care of me very much. I enjoy dancing, dance from six years folckloricos groups and I was champion of cueca, also I listen to music, and my favourite is the trova, silvio rodriguez, and bob marley and I enjoy to walk in bicycle in the city or parks. actually I study psichology in the Univertisy of Chile and I am in second year of the course and I am very happy with what I am studying.